Rural Landcare

Supporting and engaging farmers and rural Landcarers. 

Farming, industry & community 

Landcare ACT works with member organisation, the ACT Rural Landholders’ Association to support farming, industry and community organisations to improve and sustain rural landscapes. 

Smart Farms

Landcare ACT is currently delivering two grants as part of the Smart Farms Small Grants program funded through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

The grants aim to build community capacity to sustainably manage natural resources including reducing adverse impacts and improving the condition of soils, water, vegetation and on-farm biodiversity.

The Landcare ACT Smart Farms grants support engagement with farmers and landcarers around:

  • resilience and sustainability in a changing climate
  • biosecurity and weeds management
  • stakeholder engagement, knowledge sharing workshops and trials
  • bringing new knowledge to build local capacity.

Virtual Farm Tours

Landcare ACT's Smart Farms program is taking people on virtual tours of the ACT Region’s farms as well as bringing farmers and landowners together to improve biosecurity and share knowledge. 

More information 

You can find more information about these projects by:
We acknowledge the Ngunawal people, who are the Traditional Custodians of this country, and all First Nations people and their continuing connection to land, waters and community.
We pay respect to elders past, present and emerging.
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